Thursday, April 9, 2009


Thanks to a post from Sisterhood of Scrap the inspiration of the day is the word 'GROW'.

So many things come to mind when I think of this word. Myself, Ethan, my marriage, my family, my career. So many things have grown for me over the past few years and especially the past year. I am learning who I am as a person, a mom, a teacher, a wife, a daughter, a friend. I still have a lot of GROWing to do but I am aware of that and that is what makes it okay.

On a lighter note, Ethan has grown to be a very sweet, polite, well-behaved young boy. I honestly feel in spite of Jason and I, he is turning into a wonderful person. I really try to remember I am not raising a son, I am raising a man, a husband, a father and a member of our community. If he keeps going the same as he as been, he will be a catch for any woman, employer or community where he decides to land.

This past weekend we went to the annual PWOF convention in Orlando. Before we headed home on Sunday, we spent a few hours at Sea World. While waiting for Shamueee (Ethan gave him this name) we enjoyed some ice cream. Thanks to the clouds and the amazing light I got some FABULOUS shots of Ethan eating his.